A School Year Abroad

School visits abroad offer students a unique opportunity to learn and grow beyond the classroom horizon. These experiences are not only invaluable for the personal development of the students but also enrich the school community in many ways.

Personal Development

A stay abroad promotes independence, adaptability, and intercultural competence. Students learn to deal with new situations, overcome language barriers, and develop empathy for people from other cultures. These skills are of great importance in our globalized world and prepare the students to act as cosmopolitan and responsible citizens.

Academic Benefits

In addition to acquiring language skills, school visits abroad allow students to expand their knowledge in various academic disciplines from a different perspective. Direct experience with other education systems and teaching methods can boost learning motivation and lead to a deeper understanding of the study content.

Benefits for the School Community

When students return from their stays abroad, they bring new ideas, perspectives, and an expanded understanding of cultural differences. These experiences can be shared within the school community, contributing to a more open and inclusive atmosphere. Teachers and fellow students benefit from the expanded perspectives, enriching discussions and sharpening awareness of global issues.

Long-term Effects

The experiences gained abroad can positively influence students' career orientation and future opportunities. Employers increasingly value intercultural competencies and the ability to work in multicultural teams. Former exchange students are often characterized by commitment, flexibility, and the willingness to accept challenges – qualities that are in demand in many professional fields.

School visits abroad are an investment in the future of our students and offer far-reaching benefits, not only for the participating students but also for the entire school community. They promote an environment of learning and cultural exchange, laying the foundation for a deeper global awareness and mutual understanding. 

Is your child interested in such a stay abroad? Please fill out the following form: https://t1p.de/g1h15
I will contact you and provide individual advice.

Feel free to read our FAQ on the topic of a school year abroad beforehand.


FAQ "A School Year Abroad"

Question: How early do I need to plan the school year abroad?
Answer: Ideally 1 to 1.5 years in advance, to account for application deadlines for scholarships and visa matters. A later start is possible, but sought-after spots might already be filled. A long lead time also makes organization within the school easier.

Question: In which grade is one allowed to go abroad?
Answer: Students usually go abroad between 9th and 11th grade. For stays before the 9th grade, please arrange early.

Question: Which grade does GRB recommend?
Answer: From a school organizational perspective, we recommend the first or second semester of the 10th grade, to ensure continuity of the curriculum and to minimize impact on upper secondary qualifications.

Question: How does my child choose the (pre-)advanced courses if they go abroad during upper secondary?
Answer: Course selection is done in consultation with Mrs. Habfast, our upper secondary head, and can also be done from abroad. Students are considered "on leave" during their stay abroad and remain on all course lists.

Question: What duration is conceivable?
Answer: A six-month stay is recommended. Experience shows that after half a year, there are often fewer new impulses. Shorter stays should be well justified.

Question: Are there subjects and content that must be taken and covered abroad?
Answer: Enrollment in Mathematics and a Science is recommended. Students should embrace the new education system and take subjects that are not available at our school, instead of copying the German timetable.

Question: How can I ensure that my child continues to receive the curriculum at GRB?
Answer: Parallel "supplementing" from Germany is not planned and distracts from the experience on site. The independence and adaptability of the students are in focus. Experience has shown that such support is not necessary.

Question: What average grade must my child have to be allowed to go abroad?
Answer: Please list the relevant grades from the last four semesters on the application form. Based on this, individual counseling is provided, without a fixed grade point average as a prerequisite.

Question: Under what circumstances do you advise against a stay abroad?
Answer: In cases of social problems in the class, conspicuous school career, current psychological counseling, significant academic deficiencies, or difficulties with the educational language German.

Question: Which organization can you recommend?
Answer: As a school, we do not provide specific recommendations. Research is up to the students and their families. Visiting fairs, reports from other students, and professional consultations can be helpful.

Question: What happens if my child is unhappy with the host family or at the host school?
Answer: We have no direct means of influence, but the exchange organization will intervene in such cases. However, such situations are rare.

Question: Will my child be moved up to the next grade level when they return from abroad?
Answer: Yes, that is the case for most students. Exceptions occur with weak performances in main subjects or when returning at the end of the 11th school year. Examinations in the last week of the summer vacation may be necessary to assess suitability for the next level.