
Feedback India Exchange 16-24.10.2018

Indien AustauschWe have found a son and brother in our Indian exchange student. The experience with the Indian students and teachers has widened our horizon - India is a variety of cultures with a very own philosophy of life. People are spontaneous and relaxed, taking more time for what they do.
On the other hand, a 15-year-old Indian is just as much a teenager than German teenagers are. They want to have fun and enjoy the "freedom" of being away from home. I recognized that when our exchange student told me that in his family they dine around 20.00h and he has to go to bed at 22.00h... but instantly added with a smile:"but I am in Germany now..."
We are very grateful that Gymnasium Riedberg is giving our son the opportunity to participate in this exchange - a life changing experience that will bring him personally and educationally to the next level and has proven to create a truly wonderful international friendship.
K. Koolen